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Down to Sleep Page 5

  She sucked in a deep breath. Owww. That hurt. “Farrell is, or rather, was, my boyfriend. He has a temper, but he’s never hit me before now. He’d hit the things next to me or yell or snipe. Thing is, the way I grew up, affection just didn’t happen.”

  “What about your parents?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have any. I grew up in a group children’s home. Never fostered, that I can remember anyway, and attention was in short supply there. Unless it was the wrong sort. I moved homes frequently over the years. When I met Farrell, he swept me off my feet. He was charming, lavished attention and affection on me, but at the same time it was controlling. I guess I got caught up in the fact that he liked me and wanted to be with me. It was just nice to be loved for once.”

  “My advice is to leave him, Isabel,” DI Holmes said firmly. “Men like that don’t change any more than a tiger can change his stripes.”

  She rubbed her wrists. “This is the last straw. It’s over. I told him last night.”

  “Are you pressing charges?”

  “I can’t. It’ll just complicate things, and I don’t want anyone else knowing about this. I’m a cop. I should know better and should be able to defend myself. It’s just embarrassing.”


  Zander sat at his desk, drumming his fingers on the surface, gaze fixed on the figures he could see through the glass panelled door to the DI’s office. At least it looked as if they were talking. Perhaps he’d talk sense into her, and he could go and arrest Farrell. He’d wanted to stand guard outside the door, but the DI had waved him away.

  DS Philips strode across the squad room towards him, the petite, blonde police surgeon at his side. “They still in the Guv’s office?”

  Zander nodded. “He said for the doc to go straight in.”

  The doc crossed the room and entered the office.

  Zander let out a deep sigh, his fingers curling and uncurling into fists. Anger raged through him.

  DS Philips studied him. “Zander?”

  “Permission to go knock that scumbag into the middle of next week, Sarge?”

  “Sorry, but no. What’s this Farrell Vixen like?”

  “Smart, clever, creepy. He wasn’t much help with the burglary. Seems to think he’s God’s gift to the art world. And over friendly with the women.”

  The DI came out. “You and Isabel are off the art theft case as of now. Dane and I will go and interview Mr. Vixen about Isabel’s injuries this morning.”

  “She won’t thank you.”

  “I’m not expecting her to. I’m following up on an assault on one of my officers. He was the last person to see her. It’s as simple as that for now.” The DI sighed. “She won’t press charges, so I can’t do any more, other than make him squirm a little. Although she has let us take photos of her injuries. The doc is just finishing up with her.”

  Zander nodded as the DI and DS headed down the corridor. He leaned against the back of his chair, swinging slowly. Is it wrong to pray the horrid man falls under a bus, Lord? Although that isn’t exactly fair to the bus driver, is it?

  After another ten minutes, Zander was about to knock and check that everything was all right, when the door opened, and Isabel stood there. He rose and crossed the room quickly. “Are you OK?”

  She nodded. “Cleared for duty.”

  He smiled. “Then let me drive you to the chemist for some concealer for that eye, arnica for those wrists, and maybe a coffee thrown in for free.”

  “Thank you. Where’d the Guv go?”

  “He and the Sarge have gone out.” At least he could say that honestly. “When we get back…” He moved to one side as Dr. Chandler passed them.

  Isabel glanced at him, before lowering her gaze to the floor.

  At least he now knew why she acted so meek around him.

  “Let me guess,” she whispered. “You want to go and punch Farrell’s lights out.”

  “I’d love to, but it wouldn’t solve anything.” He grinned. “’Sides the Sarge already said no when I asked.” He angled his head. “You’ll bake in that long-sleeved top. How about you change into a tee-shirt, and I lend you the wrist bands from my squash bag.”

  “You play? I love squash.” Her voice lightened just a little.

  “Then we’ll have to book a court at some point.” He began walking towards the exit.

  “I’m a tad rusty. Haven’t played in a long time. Farrell doesn’t…”

  Zander caught himself before he shot back a rude reply. “I don’t suppose he does. Anyway, my kit bag is in the boot of my car, so we’ll pick the wrist bands up first. Do you have a spare top with you?” As she shook her head, he smiled. “No worries, you can borrow one of mine. It shouldn’t swamp you too much.”

  Isabel peeked sideways at him. “Do you think I’m an idiot for dropping it and not pressing charges?”

  He tucked her hair behind her ear, fingers gently grazing her bruise. “Yes, but you’re my idiot. Let’s get out of here.”


  Lunchtime arrived. Isabel perched on the park bench overlooking the lake. The sun blazed down as she and Zander ate the sandwiches he’d bought. Her phone rang and she glanced at it, pulse spiking as she caught her breath. Fear rushed over her like a waterfall. “It’s him.”

  Zander studied her. “Going to answer it?”

  “I don’t know. Honestly, I’d rather not.” Why didn’t Farrell understand it was over?

  “Let me.” He took the phone and stood. “Hello, Isabel’s phone…” He headed to the lake, remaining within earshot. “I’m afraid she just stepped out for a moment. This is her partner, Detective Constable Zander Ellery. Can I take a message?”

  She picked at the sandwich, breaking off the crust and throwing it at the passing ducks. Her stomach churned. Zander hadn’t commented on the bruises again, but he cared. That much was evident in the way he’d fussed over her all morning, by opening doors, bringing her tea, buying coffee, and now lunch. It was a new sensation, feeling cared for. It just highlighted the difference the Guv mentioned—between would-be affection and genuine affection. Farrell never really loved her. Not for her, more for having someone around to wait on him. Well, no more.

  But Zander’s caring nature made her more than a little uncomfortable as she didn’t quite know what do with it.

  Zander wandered back over, still talking. “As I explained, we’re no longer handling that case. The most senior officer in our unit is doing so personally. In fact, DI Holmes is coming to see you… Then you’re as up to date on what’s happening as anyone is.” He pointed at the phone and mouthed “You want to?”

  She shook her head.

  “OK, yes, I’ll pass on the message when she gets back. Thank you for calling.” He hit the end call button and held out the phone.

  “What did he want?” Isabel dropped the handset into her bag.

  “To complain that you’re no longer handling the break-in at the gallery. Oh, and he wanted to know how you were, and who’d assaulted you.”

  She gasped and jumped, spilling her lemonade into her lap. Her stomach tied itself in knots and her chest constricted. “What? Who told him?”

  “Relax, Isabel, everything’s fine. The Guv just went and had a quiet word. And right on time, here he is now to fill you in.”

  She looked around. “How did he know where to find us?”

  Zander studied her. “I told him where we’d be. He wanted to handle this out of the office. Something about not violating your privacy and not letting everyone at work know.”

  “Give us a minute, please, Zander.” DI Holmes sat beside Isabel.

  Zander nodded. “Sure.” He moved a few paces away.

  Isabel laced her fingers tightly in an effort to keep them still. Her voice wobbled. “Y—you shouldn’t have said anything, Guv. It might make things worse.”

  “I didn’t accuse him of anything.” The DI’s calm gaze matched his voice. “I merely asked what time he’d dropped you home last night and if he�
�d seen anything. When he asked why, I said you’d been attacked, but were fine and at work. I was investigating as I would if any of my officers were injured.”

  “OK,” she whispered, fear just a wispy breath away.

  “He denied it, of course, not that I believed him for an instant.” DI Holmes looked out over the river, nodding for Zander to re-join them. “If you should change your mind about pressing charges at any time, let me know. We’ll back you all the way and provide any protection you may need.”

  “Thank you.” But she wouldn’t, and she guessed her boss knew that. She couldn’t. It wasn’t safe. And that said a lot with her being a cop.

  “Wasn’t the first time, was it?”

  She glanced sideways at him. Was she that transparent? “No, but he’d never actually hit me before. Just threatened too. But he always apologised.”

  Zander hissed in annoyance. “And he will next time, as well.”

  “I want to know if it happens again. Especially now you’ve broken things off between the two of you.” DI Holmes stood. “I’ll see you back in the office in a while.”

  She watched him stride across the park. “Is he always that direct?”

  “He’s just looking out for you, partner. We all are.” Zander picked up his can of soda and finished it.

  “I’m not some helpless female.” She bit her lip.

  “I never said you were. Nor did the Guv.”

  “I can look out for myself. Farrell just caught me off guard.” The phone in her bag rang again. Isabel pulled it free and sighed. “It’s Farrell again. I’d better take it.” She pushed the green button. “Hello.”

  “Looks cosy. You and two men, picnicking on a park bench.”

  She froze. “Where are you?”

  “Watching you.” His voice dripped ice and disdain.

  Not having expected that, Isabel caught Zander’s sleeve with her finger. She dropped the phone accidently on purpose. She picked up the handset, hitting the speaker button as she did. “You’re watching me from where?”

  “The car park. What did you tell that DI Holmes of yours? He came sniffing around asking questions, accusing me of hurting you.”

  Zander’s gaze caught hers, and he pulled out his phone, as if to check messages.

  “I didn’t say anything, Farrell,” Isabel said quickly. “I never have, and I won’t.”

  “Good girl.” His patronising tone had a hard edge to it. “I’d hate to have to get cross again, because we both know that never ends well.”

  Isabel turned her back to the car park, keeping eye contact with Zander. “I already told you last night, we are finished. It’s over. My partner saw the bruises, told my boss. I said I’d fallen, but honestly, he didn’t come down in the last shower. He’s investigating as he would for any officer who came into work like that.”

  Zander’s brow furrowed and he stood, turning to face the car park as he slid his phone back into his pocket. He quickly gathered up their things. “We should head back to work, Isabel,” he said. “We’re needed in the office. You know how the Guv feels about people being late. And after you missed the bus this morning…”

  “Yes, being late twice in one day wouldn’t be a good idea. Farrell, I have to go now.”

  “Fine. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Her gaze flicked to Zander, as she tried to tamp down the surge of panic. He shook his head almost imperceptibly. Isabel sucked in a deep breath. This was why she’d always caved before. It was easier, but it was time she stood up to him. Especially now she had people who had her back. “I won’t be able to do that. I have to work late and don’t know when we’ll be done.”

  “I. Will. See. You. Tonight,” Farrell repeated slowly, emphasising every word.

  “As I said. I can’t tonight.” She ended the call and put the phone onto silent.

  “Well done, you.” Zander shoved all the rubbish into a bag. “How does that feel?”

  “Terrifying. My insides are like jelly. What if he tries something?”

  “He won’t get the chance.” He paused. “Does he have a key to your house?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. But he broke the chain last night when he burst in. I spent the night over at Gran’s.”

  “Then we’ll get new locks and a stronger chain fitted right now. We’ll get back to the paperwork whenever. It isn’t going anywhere. But we go via the nick, make it look as if we’re working, just in case he decides to stalk you a little longer.” He kept his face impassive. “He’s not hurting you on my watch.”

  The terror within her eased a little, warmth replacing it. No one had ever been that kind to her in all her twenty-four years. “Thank you. I owe you.”

  “No, you don’t.” His smile rocked her to her middle. “You’re my partner. It’s what we do.”


  Zander and Isabel left the police station just after five-thirty. He waved as he reached his car. “See you in the morning. Don’t be late.”

  “That depends on the buses.” She laughed and headed to the main road.

  Zander unlocked the car and climbed in. It was like an oven. Would this weather ever behave like spring? It didn’t bode well for the summer, but then when was an English summer ever hot? He shoved the keys in the ignition and glanced upwards in time to see Isabel abruptly turn tail and take rapid strides back towards the main building.

  Her entire demeanour had changed. Either she’d forgotten to do something, or something had spooked her.

  Zander wound down the window and raised an eyebrow. “What’s up? Did you forget something?”

  She shook her head. “Farrell is sitting in his car across the road. He must be waiting for me. I’m trying to be brave. It’s daft, I know what to do on a professional level, but when my heart gets involved, and all my head knowledge goes out the window. I’ll catch a later bus.”

  “No, you won’t. Hop in. We’ll stop off at the pub for a quick drink, and then I’ll drive you home.”

  She glanced anxiously back towards the gate, before nodding. “OK. My shout this time.”

  He leaned across and opened the car door for her. “Your chariot awaits.”

  Zander drove the long way to the pub, making sure he lost Farrell before parking around the back. “You want to sit inside or outside?”

  “Outside,” she said. “There’s a nice breeze right now. But I don’t want to sit anywhere he can see me.”

  “You’ll be quite safe wherever you sit, because I’ll be there.” He pursed his lips as he thought quickly. “How about sitting in the beer garden out the back? It can’t be seen from the road.”

  She hesitated before nodding.

  He smiled. “Go find a seat, and I’ll get the drinks.” He headed inside and over to the bar. There wasn’t much difference in temperature between inside and outside. “Two orange juices, please.” He leaned on the bar as he waited.

  Robert, one of the other officers, stood beside him. “Pint please, Ben. Zander, you joining us?”

  He shook his head. “Not this time. Isabel wants to sit outside.”

  “Is she OK? Rumours abound that she was assaulted. Though that does prove my point about women cops.”

  Zander held his breath for a moment. She wouldn’t want her private life becoming public gossip, although in a squad their size it was sometimes unavoidable. Best to squash the rumour mill as soon as possible. And as much as he’d like to deck Robert for the nth sexist comment in one day, that wouldn’t help matters either. “It’s being dealt with. The DI is handling it personally. I’ve got her back for now.”

  “And we’ve got yours. Shout if you need it.”

  “Thank you.” He picked up the drinks. “See you in the morning.”


  Isabel sat outside, enjoying the breeze after being cooped up in the office all afternoon. She leaned back against the table, the bench facing the far end of the garden. The wind blew her long hair forwards. She tucked it back behind her ears and closed he
r eyes for a moment. She had made liberal use of the concealer she and Zander had picked up from the chemist that morning. Zander had assured her the bruising no longer showed. Hopefully it would fade quickly.

  There were several tables, only one other of which was occupied. But it was still early evening, so wasn’t really surprising.

  A shadow blocked the sunlight. “Is this what you call working late?” Farrell snarled.

  She jumped, her eyes flying open. Terror surged through her and she glanced around for Zander. But he was nowhere in sight. “How…how did you find me?”

  “You’re leaving with me. Now.” Farrell grabbed her wrist.

  “Let go. You’re hurting me.” Isabel tried to pull free.

  “You’re. Coming. With. Me.”

  “No,” she managed, gritting her teeth against the pain. She wouldn’t show weakness in front of him again. Ever. Zander and DI Holmes were right. She was stronger than she thought and deserved better than this. “I’m not going anywhere with you, ever again. And I may not be pressing assault charges, but our relationship is over. I told you that last night.”

  His eyes narrowed, as he yanked her to her feet. “What do you mean over?”

  “You and me.” She stood her ground, glaring up at him. “Over, finished. I don’t want to see you again. I’m not giving up my faith for you any longer. I’ve had enough of your temper and your jealousy.” She tugged free, a red mark rising on her wrist, adding to the bruises from the previous evening. “Touch me again, and I’ll scream. There are at least half a dozen police officers within ear shot, who’ll be more than happy to lock you up. My boss wants me to press charges. Maybe I should. But if you leave now, then I won’t.”

  Farrell scowled. “Maybe I’ve had enough of you. Always putting me last, wanting to stay pure.” He scoffed. “Saving yourself for your wedding night? Who does that these days?”

  “A lot of us actually.” Zander dropped the glasses to the table with a clunk. “Good evening, Mr. Vixen. How are you?”

  Isabel glanced at him, relieved she was no longer alone. The tightness in Zander’s face indicated he knew exactly what was going on and was itching to take charge. She prayed he’d let her handle this. She needed to do it alone.